DC Bias Current Test System ระบบทดสอบไบอัสกระแสตรง

MICROTEST DC Bias Source Test System offers the best solution for testing magnetic components, measuring magnetic saturation current (Isat) and temperature rise current (Irms). It can be configured as a desktop unit or integrated into a Rack and supports PC connectivity software.

6632+ series, integrated with an Impedance Analyzer, includes a DC bias current source with a frequency response of 100Hz-30MHz/10MHz/3MHz and a maximum output current of 320A/120A.

6632S+ series, also integrated with an Impedance Analyzer, features a DC bias current source with a frequency response of 100Hz-30MHz/10MHz/3MHz and a maximum output current of 320A/120A. It additionally supports Equivalent Circuit Analysis.

6350+ series, integrated with an LCR Meter, offers a DC bias current source with a frequency response of 100Hz-500kHz/200kHz and a maximum output current of 320A/120A.